\ 青森りんごについて /
Aomori Apple

Aomori is located in the northern region of Japan, blessed with a cool climate and an abundance of snow in the winter. Aomori apples are grown in the ideal environment, making them suitable for daily consumption and as a gift to loved ones.
\ 種類豊富な青森りんご /
Enjoy the variety
About 50 varieties of apples are grown in Aomori Prefecture, among which 40 are marketed across the world.
Among them are the popular FUJI and OHBAYASHI.
\ りんごで健康的な生活 /
Healthy life
with apple
with apple
Apples contain high amounts of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, which help prevent lifestyle-related diseases like high blood pressure.

An apple a day
keeps the doctor away
\ 動画 /