\ 1日1個のりんごで多くの生活習慣病の予防が期待できる /
Enjoy an apple a day to reap the benefits of natural antioxidants
For prevention of lifestyle-related diseases such as arteriosclerosis
After eating meat or eggs, apple fiber carries excess cholesterol out of the body before it enters the bloodstream.
Prevention of high blood pressure
Apples help to remove sodium (salt) from the body, preventing blood pressure from rising.
For those concerned about blood sugar levels
Eating apples help to reduce the rise in blood sugar, as it is nutrient-dense and filling. Just one can satisfy hunger to some extent and decrease calorie overload.
For better digestion
Apple fiber increases good bacteria (bifidobacteria) in the intestines, reducing bad bacteria and improving bowel movements.
For gastrointestinal functions
Apples help to regulate the amount of acid in the stomach. A regular diet of apples is recommended for people suffering from various stomach ailments.
For regulating intestinal health in babies
Apples have high intestinal regulation properties. Grated apples act gently on the infant’s gastrointestinal tract and are effective against diarrhea and constipation.
For prevention of anemia
Vitamin C and other vitamins contained in apples increase the absorption of iron. Drinking apples in the form of juice further enhances iron absorption.
Overall maintenance of wellbeing
Apples contain a large amount of beneficial compounds called polyphenols, known to inhibit arteriosclerosis, suppress allergic symptoms such as hay fever and atopic dermatitis, block the action of plaque-forming enzymes that cause tooth decay, and whiten the skin.

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